Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Our Sixth 5-Star Review!

Happy Hump Day Bloggers and Fans!  It's always nice when I can keep these blog posts sweet and simple. THE SAVANNAH SYNDROME (TSS) continues to chug along with extra sales, and all are from mysterious purchasers at this point.  A growing audience is being reached and this is most likely due to the fact that the book keeps getting rave reviews!  Our SIXTH 5-star review came in last night!  That's sixth straight.  We've heard nothing but positive feedback from our readers, which is awesome.  Heck, it's why I wrote the book.

Our latest review comes from Amazon user name Akelly, and I must confess, again, this is a good friend of mine, but was not solicited to leave a review, and I pressed her to be as honest as she could while she was reading it, during which she had sent me several messages claiming how much she enjoyed the book.  I believe she read the paperback, all 306 pages of it, in three quick nights.  The book was so engaging that this busy, full-time working, full-time mother of two, carved in extra time out of her schedule to read this book.  Not because I pressured her to read it for me, but rather she read it because she found it so good.  But enough of me indulging over the story, there's still only one way for you to find out yourself.  Either buy the Kindle version here, or the paperback version here.

Now back to Akelly's 5-star review.  Here is what our newest fan had to say:

"This novel is a page turner from cover to cover! It will leave you guessing and speculating, I cannot wait until the next book comes out!"

Wow!  These are real people leaving real, honest reviews!  Find out just how honest they are yourself and get your copy of TSS today!!

This is a distant shot of one of the many breathtaking squares
in the city of Savannah.  Come visit this majestic city!

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